musings, ramblings, observations, all blown out of proportion and mistaken for insights

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

yet another synchronicity....

So I've always had a fascination with Charles Manson. As far as serial killers are concerned he's probably the coolest one. Using a combination of scientology, LSD, and sexual prowess he was able to turn his flower children into murderers with a lust for blood. He represented the evil lurking within the counterculture, the dark side of letting ones spirit run free to do whatever it pleased. His face, with it's piercing eyes and goofy grin, staring at me hypnotically and urging me to violently unleash my id, is a face I will never forget.

I've just been getting into the music of Charles Manson, and I honestly don't know why it has taken me this long. I always knew he had an album of psychedelic folk released on ESP records (one of my favorite record labels), but for some strange reason I didn't check it out until recently. So I finally downloaded and listened to his album 'LIE: Love and Terror Cult' and naturally loved it. Beyond the general novelty appeal of the record it's a prime example of California psychedelic folk-rock and the evil lurking within makes it even more fascinating.

Last night I was flipping through channels on TV in stoned haze with some friends and we came across a TV show on Fox where a mom and a dad are talking to their college aged son. For some reason we stopped and started to pay attention. The parents are talking to him and he brings up Charles Manson. Then the mom says "ya know Charles Manson made some good music. I listened to his album and it's not bad". The weird thing about this is that I had said the exact same thing less than 10 minutes before. The fact that the R. Crumb Mr. Natural (one of my favorite cult icons ever) was for some reason on the kid's shirt made it even more and personal. All I could think about was how one of my teachers said that everything to see on TV or in the movie is there on purpose.

Maybe this is a sign that I need to seriously start a psychedelic cult and kill some rich people.

Friday, October 8, 2010

some thoughts

Overwhelming urges of violence with no healthy outlet can be dangerous.

Especially with those who have fanatical and dogmatic belief systems that lead to ideological and sexual repression.

The masses cannot be repressed for too long before it has dangerous consequences.

Often fanatics are so blinded and enslaved by their ideology that they cannot understand the world outside of it. Every aspect of their thinking is dominated by it to a point where they do not realize it.

Our own modern American culture contains elements of this. There are ideas that are so locked within our culture and engrained in our consciousness from birth that we can't think beyond them. In fact we see them as part of the natural order of the universe.

For example, our modern gender roles of masculine and feminine are so ingrained in our way of thinking we see them as the result of biology rather than social construct. It is the same for race.

what my computer speakers are currently spewing:


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i'm made of cells and I have a functioning brain