musings, ramblings, observations, all blown out of proportion and mistaken for insights

Sunday, April 5, 2009

pretentious ramblings

Mankind has inner needs, and these inner needs seem to drive history. 

We have have an inner need to create order, to build structure and create societies. Man wants to be controlled. If this wasn't true then there would be no such thing as society. We created and accepted society and live according to it. 

Yet at the same time we have an inner need to revolt. Revolutions and rebellions occur, driven by our idealistic yearnings for a better system or simply an inner need create chaos. 

Both of these drives exist simultaneously it seems. 

We have an inner need for meaning too - we create religions, cults, spiritual movements, and philosophies. Yet we follow these movements dogmatically, closing off ideas from other movements. Yet if we were truly searching for meaning, why would do this? Contradiction after contradiction seems to exist in the human spirit. 

Here's an alternate theory - we have no inner need to be controlled. Instead we have an inner need to control others. We do not willing create society, society creates us and we simply accept it because of all that it does for us, regardless of many of the wrongs that may or may not be apparent. Those who revolt do so because they want control, whether they realize it or not. They believe their ideas are better than the standing order and that society would work better with them, whether their ideas are fascism, communism, or anarchism. 

Yet there is certainly an inner need for order in us. We organize our lives, we devote our lives to order and sensibility. We want to have beliefs that make sense to us and give us peace rather than add to the confusion and senselessness of our lives. 

Then why are there so many atheist, you may ask?

Possibly because the belief in atheism, regardless of it's emptiness and the nihilism it can lead to, creates comfort in us by making us feel better than others. We I tell a Christian that they are leading a life based on outdated beliefs, I feel a sense of superiority. I am aware of the truth, I am more in tune with reality, I have a more logical mind and a more sound grasping of reality. 

It sure beats having an invisible idol to pray to! 

The question is this: if everything than we have created exist because of our pathetic inner drives to be controlled, to control, or to feel superior, then how do we free ourselves from these traps and pursue a truer and less pathetic existence? 

Can we rise above human nature, or this simply making us less human? What if true human nature exist in state where these drives do not exist, and these drives were simply programmed into us by society and actually don't exist in our purest state of natural existence?

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