musings, ramblings, observations, all blown out of proportion and mistaken for insights

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

two ghost having a conversation in front of my bathroom mirror

i feel sick, disoriented, like i'm upside down

are you upside down or are you rightsideup?

somewhere between the two

maybe you need a drink, a drink of whisky, that might get your head on straight

i need to puke....

puke in the toilet, not the sink

i feel like i'm going to die

how does it feel to die?

it feels kind of obnoxious, but it's kind of pleasant in a perverted way. You think that every little second of life that you have is so infinite, but it just slips away and then nothingness crawls in and fills up the void that was once a decent and honest or depraved and sickening life. It's a cold feeling, it's icy, and then the hallucinations start.

i don't remember that

i remember nothing, but i have an imagination so it's ok

i remember seeing god and then having him laugh at me for being a dipshit

i need more whisky man and then 300 years ago won't feel that long

long like a highway that just collapses when you get to your destination

yeah, or long like the night sky

*pukes outrageously*


i'm going to learn to play the violin and write songs to resurrect the dead

i'll learn to play the accordion

yes! we'll play in graveyards and morgues

and maybe we'll learn some songs, maybe even write some, maybe we'll make a joyful noise like the bible says to do!

the bible didn't give us shit

1 comment:

  1. I know I'm not suppose to, but I want to learn how to play music to raise the dead. I'll be the violin if you be the accordion?


what my computer speakers are currently spewing:


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i'm made of cells and I have a functioning brain